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Dubai’s Mirage of Glamour: Navigating the Reality of Unsustainability
April 26, 2024

Amidst the expanse of the Persian Gulf, Dubai stands as a testament to urban innovation, often hailed for its rapid developments–growing into a bustling metropolis built from nothing. Throughout the…


Soft Landings: The Monetary Policy Miracle
April 23, 2024

As economists and policymakers become more confident in the resilience of the US economy after the most aggressive tightening cycle in decades, the term “soft landing” has become more prevalent…


Upfront Costs, Lifelong Gains: The Investment Case for University
April 19, 2024

Every year, Year 10 students in Australia face a critical decision: pursue further education or enter an apprenticeship. This choice has lasting impacts on their income potential and career trajectory.…


About Us

is a commerce-centric student society founded at the University of Melbourne in 2011 with the purpose of bridging classroom theory with industry practice.


Learn new concepts centered around economics and finance, grounding theoretical understanding with real-world application.


Develop industry understanding first-hand by interacting with experienced professionals and students from different disciplines.


Make the most of your university experience, create lasting relationships between like-minded students and alumni.